Thursday, May 5, 2011

the first.

I've always been one to keep a journal...though I've never been fond of writing (at least when it had to do with school.) For several months I kept a blog on xanga and recently I decided to go back and revisit it just to see where I was at that time in my life. About the time that my life was about to change in ways I would have never expected, I quit writing. that was four years ago and the past four years have brought so many changes that going back and reading my xanga posts was almost like getting reacquating with myself. And that is what inspired me to start blogging again.

I had two big hurdles to starting one. The first is that i wasn't sure that I should take the time to set it up and start writing when I'm busy and would people even read it? I finally decided that I don't need to write huge long posts (I usually can't think of all that much to say anyway!) and if no one reads it, so what? At least my mom will I'm sure!

The second hurdle was deciding on a name. Someone suggested grace notes (that's the name of my business anyway) and it seemed fitting. My middle name is Grace. My mom had it legally changed when I was 16 which was fine with me because I didn't like my old middle name anyway! There's a whole story behind the name change but in short, I think God knew that I would need a lot of grace in my life.
I have heard two definitions for the concept of grace: "God's unmerited favor" and "the power to do God's will" Both of the definitions seem appropriate and I can definitely see how grace has been evident in my life both ways.

Well this was my introduction to this blog I guess. I had a whole different thought for a post swirling around in my head but life is calling to me so I will save it for another time...


  1. I feel the same way about my blog...who cares if anyone reads it! It's kinda cathardic...I think it's fun! =)

  2. I'm excited for your blog. One day I would like to hear the story behind the name change, I've been wondering about it :)

  3. Thanks Amanda =)
    Mandy, I agree....I think I'm doing it more for myself than anyone else!
    Ali, you probably remember my old middle name! Yep, I can tell the story
    Sarah... =)

  4. Nice post! I like the template you chose, too. :) I didn't know that you changed your middle name. I'd like to hear that story too. :)

  5. Thanks, Lisa! Credit for the name goes to you!
